
Saturday, August 01, 2009

sub LIME

green is the new black (so says Country Living) and you don't get much funner that this green!

It will wake up any space, not to mention the inspiration you will feel as you incorporate it into your fashion sense.

don't be afraid, just call me!

From the days when phone conversations were an art form, this telephone table hearkens back to the party line, the phone number that started with a word then moved to initials (SH7-1523) and you had to sit in the vestibule to talk on the phone, even if it was that dreamy guy from the malt shop!
You needed a place for the phone book and the family phone numbers kept in a space age looking metal Rolodex with a plastic arrow that slid up and down to select the letter of the alphabet.
You never ate, drove or ordered take out while talking on the phone and your kid brother announced the progression of the phone call to the entire family.
At $35 this walk down memory lane is worth it and the seat is even bark cloth!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here's looking at you kid!

I have a creepy fascination with old dolls and I know I'm not alone! There is something deep and mysterious about their staring eyes, I always wonder where they came from and how many little hands have primped and pressed them over the years. How many little baths they have taken, how many naughty brothers have scribbled on them with blue Bic pen (yeah, Skipper and Barbie, fear the pen!).

I'm not a true antique connoisseur - I just love them for their appeal - what about you?

Monday, July 27, 2009


search abode to find the item pictured above
Guide one of our lovely and talented employees to the item and you will receive 10% off your entire purchase for that visit! the hunt begins Tuesday, July 28th and ends Saturday August 1st at 6 PM
**applies to the current visit to abode, does not apply to gift certificates or items already on layaway