
Friday, May 14, 2010

oNE dAy anD COUntInG!

MARKET is so close I can almost taste it . . . here are the tantalizing treasures for today and we'll see you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

tWO dAyS AnD cOUntInG!!

wreaths to adorn

baby items for the one you adore

check out these treasures sure to make you drool - you'll find this and so much more at MARKET SATURDAY!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

tHRee dAys AnD couNtiNg!!!!

MARKET brings all kinds of surprises - check out what's in store from Cat and Tamara . . . I can hardly wait!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

fOUr dAyS anD cOUNtiNG!!!!

flirt with fashion from everyday sparkles!  these creations are a must have at the MARKET.  now chant with me . . . rain rain go away and don't come back on MARKET day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

fIvE DAyS aNd CouNtinG

the cound down to market begins with the Schramers . . . one of our new vendors this month. whimsy meets fine art . . . not to be missed!