
Monday, March 14, 2011

Shutter Up!

Hey there Abode shoppers!

Can I just tell you how excited I am to be here today?

Quick intro: My name is Char. You can find me most days at Crap I’ve Made. I’m a Salt Lake City area lifer. I love fabric and old stuff. I hate pudding and hugs.

The header on my blog says “sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it’s just crap”. I’m mentioning that because my project went through several stages of crap and it’s not at all what I had in mind. And I ripped off the awesome wallpaper in a fit of insanity. Don’t you worry…I’ve got other plans for that wallpaper, and maybe they’ll even let me back to show you.

So, if you’re a regular Abode shopper, I’m sure you already know this. If you’re not, pay close attention. There’s a room way back in the back full of all kinds of random junk. Go to that room and start digging. And don’t wear tippy heels.

What are you looking for?



I used to have an awkward hole above my fireplace where random neighbor children would play. (OK, so the one on the left is mine.)


I suppose I could have put a TV up there, but then I would have had to listen to it. So, what’s a girl to do?


Shutter up, that’s what.

These particular shutters started out like this:


I removed the hardware and spray painted them Key Lime. Then I roughed them up and used a glaze to tone down the crazy.

They provide a great backdrop for my obsessive mantel decorating tendencies. See?


Valentine’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day


So, what if you don’t find a whole set of shutters the perfect height and just find one or two instead?

I picked up these old drapery hooks at Abode:


They sat perfectly on top of the slats of my shutter.

You could use them for keys:


or to hang some little buckets on:


I think this would be fabulous in an office holding supplies or in a kitchen with potted herbs. What about one big bucket in the center with some sort of flowers? Cute, right?

So, go to the back room at Abode.

Find some shutters.

Don’t be afraid to paint them.

Hang stuff on them.

Live happily ever after.