
Friday, July 15, 2011

Moffat magnificence!!

I can barely contain myself when I get to glimpse what this duo has in store for MARKET!!!  Their work is so darling AND functional I can't resist.  A set of their chairs lives in our kitchen.  Come snap up some treasures tomorrow, you'll be glad you did!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's a family affaaaaair

c'mon, sing it with me - now you can see where this gal gets her talent!  Both dad and aunt join with her to create a fun shopping experience!  This booth is not to be missed at market Saturday.  Shopping tip:  her treasures are super affordable.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eartha Kitt

I wish I had the talent and self-confidence to say maaaaaaaaaarrrrrket with that tigress growl made famous by Eartha - these creations would surely elicit such a response and you can find something to make you grrrr with delight at our maaarrrrrket Saturday! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


pardon me while I smack my lips - we have an exciting new vendor for our market saturday - Bountiful Harvests!  They do that one thing where you slurp, chomp and gulp jalepeno jelly over cream cheese on crackers and stand in front of the table so no one can get any, oh, wait, I digress, their jams and jellies are so fresh and delightful that they always sell out - so come early and enjoy before they're gone!

Monday, July 11, 2011