
Friday, May 11, 2012

flea 4 all I'm dreamin' my life away

flea 4 all
may 19th is the date
abode is the place

My name is Karen and I have been doing crafts and loving it as far back as I can remember! I was always encouraged to "make" a gift for someone that was special, because those are the gifts that mean the most!.... my scrap booking and gift wrapping ideas made it into 2 books via Sterling publishing, I am 46 and a mother of 2 delightful children. I don't like long walks on the beach or candlelit dinners...I just like glue and paper and other things that need to be loved!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

flea 4 all I need a drool guard quick!

flea 4 all
may 19th is the date
abode is the place

Meet Lauren, meet Lauren's cool collections at the flea!

"I have been into vintage and making things as long as I can remember. I spent my summers with my grandmother Ruthie Pearl (my business's namesake) who worked in a sewing factory called "Ala-Tex" (Alabama Textiles) for 45 years. She had suitcases full of men's shirt fabrics that I would sew into doll clothes and nighties. My parents owned a dry cleaning business, and the two old ladies who did all the seamstressing would give me impromptu lessons almost daily. There were huge boxes overflowing with old buttons and fabric scraps - it was heaven! Add to that the Goodwill store across the street from the dry cleaner...and its drawers full of $.25 sewing patterns...and you had a foundation for an obsessive crafter.

Now, I have an eagle eye for spotting a good-condition, 60s-era sewing pattern or piece of Pyrex. I get giddy at the sight of milk glass, and even giddier at the sight of someone who loves it as much as I do. As much as I hate turning down some pieces, I am quite picky when it comes to actually purchasing pieces for resale, and I get a thrill out of carefully cleaning and arranging vintage goods into attractive groupings. I wish I could keep it all for myself, but my husband would kill one-year-old would break it all...and my 99-year-old bungalow just couldn't contain it. That's why I'm so happy to share all my amazing finds with the patrons of the Abode Paris Flea Market!"

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

flea 4 all true vintage

flea 4 all
may 19th is the date
abode is the place

Are you ready for some true vintage?  Then you'll want to shop with Suzy!  She is eclectic (just like us) and you'll find a little something for everyone!

Monday, May 07, 2012

sCrAtCh ThE ItCh

May 19th kicks off our flea season 9 am to 2 pm

We have some fun plans to kick off our flea:

  • Beautiful Booth Contest - customers will vote on the beauty and interest of the vendor booths - the winning vendor wins $50
  • Bring Real Friend - come on in the store and let us know who invited you to the flea - you'll be glad you did!
  • Variety is the Spice of Life - the customer who shops at the most vendors wins $50 (ya gotta buy to try)
Are you excited yet?