
Thursday, July 15, 2010

don't know nothin' bout birthing babies

one of my very bestest friends in the whole wide world gave birth to a baby girl!  Her 4th baby and 2nd girl.  since I have never had the opportunity to have a child birth seems like an exciting, loud, painful miracle to me (OK, maybe I've watched too many episodes of TLC's A Baby Story).  The biggest decision for me is what to get the new one that is unique and useful all at once.

thank heavens for babyggear and RuthAnn's vision for babies who ROCK!!!  she is making me a gift for the new baby that will be cute, darling and adorable!

check her out at MARKET saturday and stock up on her goodies.  after the market she can be reached at :
"and if you see something that you have to have, please email her what size you would like it in and I can make it for you and have it for you the market (depending on available sizes and time). Also, you can visit my blog to see pictures of all kinds of items available."


  1. What a great source for baby gifts, thanks! Like you I have not had the experience, but have lots of friends to buy for. Can't wait for the flea market tomorrow! Looking for lots for clients!

  2. I bought one of RuthAnn's sock animals at last month's market and LOVE it! It is the most expressive little guy I've ever met; he sits and "listens" to my conversations and will respond with caring, "knowing" expressions. RuthAnn truly has a way with socks. . . her booth is a MUST-see!

  3. Thanks to everyone that beat the heat and came out to the Market yesterday! And thanks for the lovely comments! Let me know if there is anything you saw that you need in a different size and I can make "just for you!"
    I can have it ready for the next market (August 21st) or I can ship it straight to you. Let me know!

