
Friday, July 16, 2010

adorable adornments

Kiersten doesn't just model these beautiful pieces, she makes them as well!  Doesn't she just exude the glamour girls of the 1940s?  We are honored to have as a new vendor at MARKET.  Check out her creativity!

"In 2008, Kiersten’s headbands started as a simple collection of raw

materials. With her unique taste, she has always been attracted to
simple, vintage elegance so that summer in Kansas, she began to build her collection from buttons, doilies, and bits of ribbon. In February of 2009 her designers’ eye began to turn her collection into the tangible art you see today.

Since her first headband, she has been designing and creating beautiful vintage pieces out of everything from antique hats to bingo pieces. Her love of her craft can be seen in every piece."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

don't know nothin' bout birthing babies

one of my very bestest friends in the whole wide world gave birth to a baby girl!  Her 4th baby and 2nd girl.  since I have never had the opportunity to have a child birth seems like an exciting, loud, painful miracle to me (OK, maybe I've watched too many episodes of TLC's A Baby Story).  The biggest decision for me is what to get the new one that is unique and useful all at once.

thank heavens for babyggear and RuthAnn's vision for babies who ROCK!!!  she is making me a gift for the new baby that will be cute, darling and adorable!

check her out at MARKET saturday and stock up on her goodies.  after the market she can be reached at :
"and if you see something that you have to have, please email her what size you would like it in and I can make it for you and have it for you the market (depending on available sizes and time). Also, you can visit my blog to see pictures of all kinds of items available."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MARKET for a good cause

We have a new vendor this MARKET - Hailey.  She makes cupcakes and diaper cakes (OK, don't get confused here).  She has more on her mind than just typical MARKET fun . . . here is what she said:

"My husband and I are trying to adopt a baby, and so I have a darling friend who suggested doing a fundraiser/boutique for us. She heard about the flea market at Abode, and called me to tell me what a great location it would be for it. I have friends and family members all making things to donate to help us raise money, and everything that we sell will have one of our pass-a-long cards with our contact information on it, so if anybody knows anyone who is pregnant and considering adoption can contact us!

My sister is the mastermind behind all the darling hair clippies and wipe cases. I have enjoyed baking as long as I can remember, and I love doing anything crafty!

I am really excited to come to the flea market and get the word out!"

Come to MARKET, feast your eyes on fabulous finds, eat some luscious cupcakes and be a part of this family's future.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

wHeN LIfE handS YoU LemONaDE It Had BEttEr bE fRom ThE LeMONaDe sTanD!!!

fresh to you at MARKET the Lemonade Stand!!!  cold and refreshing, these folks really know their lemonade.  MARKET will be HOT with fabulous vendors, fantastic merchandise and DISCOUNTS in the store . . . keep COOL with an ice cold LemONaDe!!!!